Welcome to the G&T Healthcare Scheme guide.
G&T have appointed us, Healix Health Services Ltd, to manage this scheme. Our role is to assess and manage medical needs that you might have as well as the care and treatment you receive.
The G&T Healthcare Scheme is designed to cover you for the diagnosis and/or treatment of a short term medical condition, if the treatment is medically necessary.
The scheme is not intended to cover all medical conditions. There are some medical conditions and treatments that are excluded from cover (please see exclusions and limitations for further details on this).
All treatment (including consultations and diagnostic tests) should be authorised in advance. Therefore it is essential that you call us before you receive treatment, to ensure that your proposed treatment is eligible for cover under the scheme.
Table of benefits
Your scheme benefits are set out in the table below.
Benefit limits apply to each individual member or dependant in any one year of cover, unless otherwise stated.
All claims are subject to your excess, which will be applied to the first eligible treatment within each scheme year.
Please note the below benefits are subject to an overall benefit limit of £75,000 per member per scheme year.
The scheme will commence on the 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025.
Outpatient Diagnostics | Level of cover | Benefit note |
Outpatient consultations with a specialist following GP referral Outpatient diagnostic tests, investigations and treatment following GP or specialist referral Outpatient consultations with a practitioner on specialist referral Outpatient consultations and diagnostic tests with a specialist on self-referral for specified cancer symptoms |
Full cover | 1 |
Outpatient Treatment | ||
In network mental health treatment |
Full cover | 2a |
Out of network mental health treatment |
Up to 15 sessions per scheme year | 2b |
Outpatient MRI, CT and PET scans on specialist referral |
Full cover | 2c |
Outpatient surgical procedures |
Full cover | 2d |
Outpatient Therapies | ||
Outpatient physiotherapy (including self-referral) |
Full cover | 3a |
Outpatient complementary therapies following GP referral |
Up to £500 per scheme year | 3b |
Outpatient complementary therapies following specialist referral |
Full cover | 3c |
Inpatient and Daycase Treatment | ||
Specialist fees for inpatient and daycase treatment |
Full cover within reasonable and customary guidelines | 4a |
Hospital charges for inpatient or daycase treatment |
Full cover | 4b |
Parent accommodation |
Full cover | 4c |
Mental health treatment - inpatient and daycase |
Up to a maximum of 28 days per scheme year | 4d |
Cancer Treatment | ||
Cancer treatment |
Full cover | 5a |
Cancer outpatient therapies Cancer alternative therapies (£250 limit within the £1,000 limit per scheme year) |
Combined limit of up to £1,000 per scheme year | 5b |
Cancer outpatient mental health treatment |
Up to £1,000 per scheme year | 5c |
Cancer additional services |
Full cover | 5d |
Cash Benefits | ||
NHS cash benefit |
£100 each day or night up to 91 days per scheme year | 6a |
Baby cash benefit |
£150 per baby/child | 6b |
Hospice donation |
£100 per night | 6c |
Benefits for Specified Treatment | ||
Rehabilitation |
Limited cover | 7a |
Oral surgical procedures |
Full cover for specified treatments | 7b |
Disorders of the eye |
Full cover for specified treatments | 7c |
Pregnancy and childbirth |
Full cover for specified treatments | 7d |
Chronic mental health benefit |
Up to £500 per scheme year | 7e |
Women's and Men's Health Benefit Remote advice service with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men's health specialists (up to 4 consultations per scheme year) Diagnostic tests and investigations following referral from our in-network remote gynaecologists or men's health specialists (up to £500 per scheme year) |
Limited cover | 7f |
Long COVID Benefit Outpatient consultations and diagnostics required as a result of long COVID Outpatient, daycase and inpatient treatment required as a result of long COVID Outpatient mental health treatment required as a result of long COVID (up to £1,500 per scheme year) Outpatient physiotherapy treatment required as a result of long COVID (up to £500 per scheme year) Outpatient complementary therapies required as a result of long COVID (up to £250 per scheme year) |
Combined limit of up to £5,000 per scheme year (up to £15,000 per scheme lifetime) | 7g |
Additional Benefits | ||
Private ambulance charges |
Full cover | 8 |
Home healthcare |
Full cover | 9 |
Virtual GP |
Unlimited | 10 |
Overseas emergency inpatient treatment |
Up to £100,000 per scheme lifetime | 11 |
Note: The above benefits only apply when the covered person has treatment in the UK, or when temporarily abroad on holiday or business up to specified limits.
Outpatient investigations and treatment
We will pay in full for:
- outpatient consultations with a specialist following GP referral
- outpatient diagnostics and investigations following GP or specialist referral
- outpatient treatment following specialist referral
Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary fees.
Outpatient consultations with a practitioner
We will pay in full for consultations with a dietician, nurse, orthoptist, podiatrist or speech therapist following GP or specialist referral.
The practitioner must be registered with the correct governing body for their field, and meet our definition for a practitioner.
Outpatient consultations and diagnostic tests with a specialist on self-referral for specified cancer symptoms
We will pay in full for self-referred consultations and investigations for specified cancer symptoms.
Please refer to the self-referred cancer benefits page for further information on how to access this benefit.
If a diagnosis of cancer is made, cover for eligible treatment will be subject to any limits as detailed in your cancer treatment benefit.
Back to topWe will pay in full for outpatient consultations for eligible mental health conditions following GP, specialist or self-referral, when treatment is provided by our mental health network provider.
Please refer to the mental health pathway for further information.
Please note: Under 18’s will require a referral letter from their own GP.
Back to topWe will pay for up to 15 sessions of treatment for eligible mental health conditions with a specialist or psychological therapist following GP referral when treatment is taken outside of our Mental Health Network Provider.
If further sessions are required, you must contact the claims helpline with details of your proposed treatment plan from your treating psychological therapist before any further sessions will be authorised.
Back to topWe will pay in full for MRI, CT and PET scans on specialist referral.
Back to topWe will pay in full for hospital charges and specialist fees for outpatient surgical procedures, and drugs and dressings used during an outpatient appointment
Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary fees.
Back to topWe will pay in full for outpatient physiotherapy following GP, specialist or self-referral. If this is a self-referral, this must be taken through the Healix network provider. We will continue to monitor your progress by liaising with your treatment provider and authorise additional treatment where necessary and eligible.
Please refer to the Musculoskeletal Pathway for further information.
Back to topWe will pay up to £500 per scheme year for outpatient acupuncture, chiropody, osteopathy and chiropractic treatment following GP referral to a complementary practitioner we have recognised for benefit purposes.
Back to topWe will pay in full for outpatient acupuncture, chiropody, osteopathy and chiropractic treatment following specialist referral to a complementary practitioner we have recognised for benefit purposes.
Back to topWe will pay for specialist fees for inpatient and daycase treatment. Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary fees.
Back to topWe will pay hospital charges in full for the following:
- accommodation and nursing care for inpatient or daycase treatment
- operating theatre and recovery room
- prescribed medicines and dressings, for use whilst an inpatient or for daycase treatment
- eligible surgical appliances - for example, a knee brace following ligament surgery
- prosthesis or device which is inserted during eligible surgery
- pathology, radiology, diagnostic tests, MRI, CT and PET scans
- physiotherapy received during inpatient or daycase treatment
- intensive care
- short-term dialysis when needed temporarily for sudden kidney failure resulting from an eligible condition or treatment
- skin and corneal grafts
We will pay reasonable hospital costs for one parent or legal guardian to stay with a child who is under 12 years old, if a child is admitted to hospital as an inpatient. Cover for this benefit will stop on the child’s 12th birthday. If your child is an inpatient on their 12th birthday, then cover will extend until they are discharged on that occasion. We will only pay the cost if:
- it is the parent or legal guardian who stays with the child
- the treatment the child receives is covered by the scheme
We will pay up to a maximum of 28 days per scheme year for eligible inpatient and daycase mental health treatment. All treatment must be under the direct control and supervision of a consultant psychiatrist, and must be authorised by us in advance and in writing.
Back to topWe will pay for cancer treatment as detailed in the cancer cover explained table.
Please refer to your cancer support explained for information on the additional supportive services available to employees.
Back to topWe will pay up to a total limit of £1,000 per scheme year for the following therapies, when required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment.
Cancer outpatient therapies on GP, specialist or self-referral
We will pay up to the benefit limit for physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment, manual lymphatic drainage and dietician services.
Treatment must be taken with a physiotherapist, practitioner or complementary practitioner that we recognise for benefit purposes
Cancer alternative therapies on GP, specialist or self-referral
We will reimburse up to £250 on a pay and claim basis within the above combined limit of £1,000 per scheme year for acupuncture, reflexology and aromatherapy.
We will pay up to £1,000 per scheme year on GP, specialist or self-referral for outpatient mental health treatment required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment.
Mental health treatment is only covered if it is provided by a psychological therapist or psychiatrist.
Back to topWe will pay in full for the cost of external prosthesis, wigs and medical tattooing for reconstructive purposes only when recommended by your specialist and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment.
For wigs and medical tattooing, this benefit is available on a pay and claim basis only.
Back to topIn the event that you are admitted to an NHS hospital, or you elect to receive free treatment through the NHS we will pay an NHS Cash Benefit of £100 for inpatient treatment, or £100 per day for daycase treatment for up to 91 days or nights in any one year of cover. This benefit will only apply to claims for daycase or inpatient treatment that would otherwise have been eligible for benefit under your scheme.
Back to topWe will pay a cash benefit of £150 per baby/child following birth or adoption, where the mother or father is a member of the scheme. This benefit can only be claimed once per baby/child, even if both parents are covered under the scheme.
This benefit is subject to a 12 month waiting period from the date you joined the scheme.
Back to topIn the event that you are admitted to a hospice, we will make a donation of £100 per night to the hospice, for the duration of the admission.
Back to topWe will pay up to 28 days of inpatient, daycase and/or outpatient rehabilitation treatment which is intended to restore health or mobility with the aim of returning you to independent living. The rehabilitation must be referred by a specialist and be an integral part of eligible treatment. Treatment must take place within 12 months of you having been deemed medically fit to commence rehabilitation by your specialist.
Back to topWe will pay for the following specified oral surgical operations carried out by a specialist:
surgically remove a complicated, buried, infected or impacted tooth root
apicectomy or removal of the tip of a tooth’s root
enucleation of a cyst of the jaw (removing a cyst from the jaw bone)
surgical drainage of a fascial space (tracking) abscess
putting a natural tooth back into a jaw bone after it is knocked out or dislodged in an accident
treatment of facial and mandibular fractures
We will pay for eligible acute treatment of the following conditions:
detached retina
surgical correction of a squint
drooping Eyelids (ptosis) – We will only provide benefit for ptosis (drooping eyelids), if your optometrist identifies visual impairment and you are referred by your general practitioner or optician to a consultant ophthalmologist
wet aged related macular degeneration, where we will pay for a short course of treatment following initial diagnosis
We will pay for the following specified obstetric procedures / treatment:
pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy
miscarriage or when the foetus has died and remains with the placenta in the womb
still birth
hydatidiform mole (abnormal cell growth in the womb)
ectopic pregnancy (foetus growing outside the womb)
post-partum haemorrhage (heavy bleeding in the hours and days immediately after childbirth)
retained placental membrane (afterbirth left in the womb after the delivery of the baby)
eligible mental health treatment for post-natal depression subject to the conditions and limitations set out in the mental health benefit.
medically essential caesarean section where this is an inevitable consequence of a complication to the current pregnancy.
complications following any of the above conditions.
flare up of a non-pregnancy related medical condition that has been made worse by pregnancy
We will require full clinical details from your specialist before we can give our decision on cover.
In the event that the newborn requires immediate treatment as a result of an eligible caesarean section, this should be administered by the NHS free of charge. If the newborn is not entitled to NHS care and is not accepted as a dependant on the scheme we will pay for treatment for up to 7 days following the birth, to allow you time to make alternative arrangements. In cases where they are accepted as a member of the scheme they will only be entitled to benefits outlined in the benefits table and will be subject to the exclusions listed within the scheme.
Back to topWe will pay up to £500 per scheme year for outpatient treatment required as a result of a chronic mental health condition following GP or self-referral. Please call the claims helpline to speak with one of our case managers for further advice and support on accessing this benefit. All treatment must be pre-authorised to be eligible for cover. This benefit is for outpatient treatment only and is subject to all other terms and conditions.
Back to topRemote advice service with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men's health specialists
We will pay for up to 4 remote advice appointments per scheme year with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men’s health specialists on self-referral. This service can be used to discuss any health concern including conditions that are normally excluded for cover such as the menopause, andropause, sexual health concerns, fertility or contraception advice.
Diagnostic tests and investigations following referral from our in-network gynaecologists or men's health specialists
We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for diagnostic tests or investigations that are recommended following a remote advice appointment with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men’s health specialists.
Remote consultations and diagnostic tests and investigations will be covered up to the limits described above only. Once the benefit limits have been reached the scheme rules will apply as detailed in your exclusions and limitations.
Please note: additional cover may be available outside of the above limits for eligible claims, please contact the claims helpline for further information.
Please refer to the women’s or men’s health services page for further information on how to access these benefits
Back to topThe below benefits will be paid for when treatment is required as a result of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as 'long COVID'). The benefits have a combined limit of £5,000 per scheme year up to a maximum of £15,000 per scheme lifetime.
Outpatient consultations and diagnostics
We will pay up in full for:
- Outpatient consultations with a specialist following GP referral
- Outpatient diagnostics and investigations following GP or specialist referral
- Outpatient treatment following specialist referral
Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary fees.
Outpatient, daycase and inpatient treatment
We will pay for hospital and specialist fees, for outpatient, daycase and inpatient treatment. Please note cover is not available for acute treatment of COVID-19, including treatment in an intensive care unit, high dependency unit, acute ward setting or NHS hospital.
Outpatient mental health treatment
We will pay up to £1,500 per scheme year, for outpatient consultations for eligible mental health conditions, following GP or self-referral, when treatment is required as a result of long COVID.
If your referral is to a psychological therapist we will arrange a telephone based clinical assessment with a senior psychological therapist from our mental health network provider, who will help organise the most effective treatment for you. This could include face to face therapy, guided self-management or specialist referral. Where treatment with a psychological therapist occurs outside our network provider, it must be delivered under the direct supervision of a consultant psychiatrist.
Outpatient physiotherapy
We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for outpatient physiotherapy following GP or self-referral, when treatment is required as a result of long COVID.
If this is a self-referral, we will arrange a telephone based clinical assessment with a senior physiotherapist, who will help organise the most effective treatment for you. This could include face to face physiotherapy, guided self-management or specialist referral. The telephone based clinical assessment will not be subject to any excess, if one applies, however it will be applied to subsequent treatment should this be required. We will continue to monitor your progress by liaising with your treatment provider and authorise additional treatment where necessary and eligible.
If treatment takes place outside our physiotherapy network, the physiotherapist must still be recognised by us for benefit purposes.
Outpatient complementary therapies
We will pay up to £250 per scheme year for chiropractic treatment, osteopathy and acupuncture, following GP or specialist referral, when treatment is required as a result of long COVID. You must be referred to a complementary practitioner we have recognised for benefit purpose.
Back to topWe will pay in full for transport by a private ambulance to and/or from a hospital when ordered for medical reasons.
Back to topWe will pay in full for home nursing charges for registered nurses when recommended by a specialist and where treatment is:
medically necessary and without it you would have to receive treatment as an inpatient or daycase admission
needed for medical reasons (i.e. not social or domestic reasons)
under the direct supervision of a specialist
Mental health treatment delivered at home or in the community is not covered by the scheme.
Back to topPlease refer to the virtual GP page for further information on how to access this benefit.
Back to topWe will pay up to £100,000 per person per scheme lifetime for emergency treatment overseas.
Back to topCancer cover explained
We know that a cancer diagnosis is a life changing event and therefore understand that this is an important part of your medical scheme. To help you understand the level of cover available to you, this section gives more information about your cover for cancer.
The G&T Healthcare Scheme provides benefit for active inpatient, daycase or outpatient treatment for a diagnosed malignancy. This includes surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, alone or in combination. The scheme does not pay benefit where the treatment is preventative, for maintenance purposes, or where it continues indefinitely.
To ensure that you receive the highest quality of care at all times we identify centres of excellence for the treatment of cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer we may require you to transfer to one of these centres. These centres may be either in the private or NHS sector.
One of our nurse case managers will be able to provide information on the treatment options available to you and support you through your treatment.
The table below provides a summary of the cancer cover available and should be read alongside your table of benefits.
Summary of cancer benefits | What’s covered | What’s not covered |
Where will I be covered to have treatment? |
You will be covered in full for eligible treatment:
You will not be covered for any treatment received in a hospice. |
What diagnostic tests are covered? |
You will be covered in full for:
You will not be covered for any diagnostic tests that are:
Will I be covered for surgery? |
You will be covered in full for surgery to diagnose your cancer as well as surgery to remove a primary or secondary cancer. |
You will not be covered for surgery that is unproven or experimental and not based on established medical care within the UK. |
Will I be covered for preventative treatment? |
You are not covered for any preventative treatment. |
This scheme is designed to offer you cover for medically necessary diagnosis and treatment. This means you will not be covered for:
What drug therapies will I be covered for? |
You will be covered in full for Drug treatment of cancer (such as chemotherapy drugs, hormone therapies and |
You will not be covered for:
Will I be covered for radiotherapy? |
You will be covered in full for radiotherapy, including when given for pain relief. |
Will I be covered for end of life care? |
No |
You will not be covered for treatment given solely to relieve symptoms at the end stage of cancer or treatment received in a hospice. |
What cover will be available for routine monitoring when |
You will be covered for follow-up tests and specialist consultations needed to monitor your condition. No time limits are placed on follow up tests and consultations as long as these are medically necessary and your specialist confirms this in writing |
Are there any other limits on cover? |
You will not be covered for:
What other benefits and services are available? |
You will also be covered for:
You will not be covered for:
Are there any other supportive benefits available? |
You also have access to a comprehensive support platform delivered by Perci Health to provide you with additional support for the psychological, physical and practical impacts of cancer when it is needed most. For further information please see the your cancer support explained page. |
Your cancer support explained
We know that a cancer diagnosis can be a life changing event and we are committed to supporting you in the event that you are impacted by cancer. This is why we have partnered with Perci Health to provide you with additional support for the psychological, physical and practical impacts of cancer.
Perci are able to offer you support regardless of how you have been impacted by cancer
- Are you receiving active treatment for a cancer diagnosis?
- Are you looking for some additional support following completion of your cancer treatment?
- Are you caring for a loved one with cancer?
Regardless of your situation, Perci are able to provide a personalised care plan, a dedicated cancer nurse, and access to caring cancer experts from over 20 different support types to help reduce the impact of cancer.
Recovery and rehabilitation | Symptom management | Support for carers |
Access to this service will not be subject to an excess, scheme underwriting or any healthcare scheme benefit limits, if any apply.
Please note; this benefit is available to members over the age of 18.
For further information and to get started access the ‘your cancer support’ tile on the Member Zone or the My Healix app.
COVID-19 cover explained
In the event that you require immediate, acute treatment for COVID-19 this must take place on the NHS, and you may be able to claim NHS COVID Cash Benefit, if this is detailed in your table of benefits.
You will be covered for non-urgent eligible treatment arising from COVID-19 (commonly referred to as “long COVID”). One of our nurse case managers will be able to provide information on the treatment options available to you, and support you through your treatment.
The following table provides a summary of the cover available and should be read alongside your table of benefits. Cover for long COVID is subject to a limit of £5,000 per member per scheme year up to a maximum lifetime benefit of £15,000.
Summary of COVID-19 benefits | What’s covered | What’s not covered |
Where will I be covered to have treatment? |
You will be covered up to the benefit limit for eligible outpatient or daycase treatment:
You will not be covered for:
What tests will I be covered for? |
You will be covered up to the benefit limit for:
You will not be covered for any tests that are:
What other benefits and services are available? |
You will be covered within the overall benefit limit for:
You will not be covered for:
Overseas emergency treatment
Please note that this scheme is NOT a substitute for an overseas travel insurance policy.
The treatment available for emergencies overseas is strictly limited as explained below. The scheme will not provide any cover for the costs of an evacuation or repatriation. Therefore we strongly recommend that you take out appropriate travel insurance if you are going abroad to ensure that you have adequate cover for any healthcare needs you have along with cover for loss of luggage etc.
We will pay for emergency overseas inpatient treatment up to your available annual limits as set out in the Table of Benefits, for unexpected acute conditions when travelling overseas, where immediate hospitalisation is medically necessary and treatment could not, in our opinion, have been reasonably anticipated or delayed. Please note the scheme has a lifetime limit of £100,000 for emergency overseas inpatient treatment, and an overall annual limit of £75,000 for all benefits.
If you wish to claim for emergency treatment received abroad, you must also send us proof of how long you were abroad and this period should not exceed 28 consecutive days in any one year of cover.
We will pay for these eligible costs incurred abroad in pounds sterling using a suitable exchange rate which we will decide providing:
- the treatment is eligible for benefit
- the treatment is carried out by a consultant, practitioner or complementary practitioner who is:
- fully trained and legally qualified and permitted to practice by the relevant authorities in the country in which your treatment takes place, and
- is recognised by the relevant authorities in that country as having specialised knowledge of, or expertise in, treatment of the disease, illness or injury being treated
- the treatment facility is specifically recognised or registered under the laws of the territory in which it stands for providing the treatment delivered, and
- the treatment costs are covered under your scheme. If you require treatment abroad you will need to pay and claim for these costs.
Therefore it is important that you contact the Healix team by following the process detailed in the How To Claim Summary at the earliest opportunity, to ensure that you do not incur costs that cannot be reclaimed.
We will only accept original bills, we cannot accept photocopies. Failure to submit original invoices within six months of the date of treatment may result in the claim being denied.
We will not pay for overseas emergency treatment in any country if:
- the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised against travel to that country or area
- if you are already in that particular country or area and have been advised to leave unless prior written authority has been received from us
- you travelled abroad despite being given medical advice not to travel abroad
- you were told before travelling that you were suffering from a terminal illness
- you travelled abroad to receive treatment, or
- you knew you would need treatment or thought you might.
The scheme will not pay for some expenses including GP services or fees, outpatient prescriptions or take home drugs and dressings, which would have been paid for by the NHS in the UK.
Costs of private treatment in facilities in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland or costs in state facilities in these countries which should have been free or reduced if you had had a European Health Insurance Card are not covered under the scheme.
If you are a UK resident, you are entitled to medical treatment that becomes necessary, at reduced cost or sometimes free, when temporarily visiting a European Union (EU) country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Only treatment provided under the state scheme (the countries equivalent to the NHS) is covered. However, to obtain treatment you will need to take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you. You can apply for this online at or by calling 0845 606 2030.
Second medical opinion
Should you decide that you would like to receive a second medical opinion to ensure you are fully confident with your specialists recommendations please contact us on the claims helpline to discuss pre-authorisation. Our team of nurse case managers will be able to advise and support you through this process.
Second medical opinions will be arranged with a specialist who is an expert in their field and is recognised for the purposes of providing such second opinions. Following your second medical opinion your nurse case manager will contact you to discuss the suggested treatment plan and eligibility for benefit. Without written authorisation for a second opinion payment cannot be made for any recommended or resulting treatment.
Virtual GP
As part of your scheme you have access to a virtual GP service, called YourHealth247, which is provided by Teladoc.
You can register for this service via their portal, which can be found at:
The portal is the fastest and easiest way to register for the virtual GP service and book your consultations. If you do not have access to the portal, you can also call YourHealth247 on 0204 586 5324.
To register, you will need your member number. This can be found on your welcome or renewal email.
Should YourHealth247 refer you onto a specialist, please contact us on the claims helpline to check if this is eligible under your scheme. Any onward referrals are subject to your scheme underwriting and personal exclusions (if applicable) and general scheme exclusions. Should further information on your past medical history be required, we will need your consent to contact your NHS GP.
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
Women's health services
At Healix, we know it’s vital to receive quick access to healthcare, we have therefore made access to women’s health services as easy and smooth as possible. Whenever you are experiencing a women’s health concern, you can consult with a GP with additional training in women’s health, via the Virtual GP Service. To access this benefit, please see the Virtual GP page.
Alternatively contact the claims helpline, and speak to a member of our experienced claims team, they will be able to guide you to the most appropriate services, including access to a remote advice service with a gynaecologist.
The majority of women’s health conditions would be covered under your normal outpatient and inpatient benefits, however some conditions would traditionally sit outside the healthcare scheme cover. We have therefore created the additional Women’s health benefits, to provide some extra cover, if this is required. Our experienced claims team will be able to advise you further on whether your condition and treatment would be covered under these extra benefits.
The below table outlines the services available, and how to access them through your healthcare scheme.
Women’s health concern | How to access treatment |
For advice regarding any general women’s health query, including, but not limited to, menopause symptoms or contraception advice |
Access YourHealth247 through the portal to speak with a GP without calling the claims helpline. All of the GPs are able to offer advice for common concerns, however, if you prefer you may request a consultation with a GP who specialises in women’s health. Additionally, you may self-refer by contacting the claims helpline, without the need for a GP referral, and we will be able to direct you to the most appropriate service available to you. This includes access to remote consultations and diagnostic tests, with our in-network specialist gynaecologists (where appropriate). Cover is available up to the limits specified in your table of benefits. Once this benefit limit has been reached, the scheme rules apply as detailed in your exclusions and limitations. |
If you are concerned about a breast abnormality, for example a lump |
Contact the claims helpline to speak to our claims team, who will be able to support you and direct you to the most appropriate specialist, without the need to see your GP first. Cover will be available as specified in your table of benefits. Further information about early signs of cancers and self-referral can be found here. |
If your GP has referred you to a specialist gynaecologist, for example, for unusual bleeding |
Contact the claims helpline to speak with a member of our experienced claims team, who will be able to open a new claim. The claims team will also be able to direct you to the most suitable specialist. |
If you are experiencing complications of pregnancy |
Contact the claims helpline to speak with a member of our experienced claims team, who will be able to advise if there is any cover available for you. Cover will be available for specific pregnancy complications only, as specified in your table of benefits. |
For physiotherapy treatment for a pelvic problem such as stress incontinence |
Contact the claims helpline, without the need for a GP referral, and speak with a member of our experienced claims team who will arrange a telephone based assessment with a senior physiotherapist, to determine the most appropriate treatment for you. Cover is available from your physiotherapy benefit, as specified in your table of benefits. |
Men's health services
At Healix, we know it’s vital to receive quick access to healthcare, we have therefore made access to men’s health services as easy and smooth as possible. Whenever you are experiencing a men’s health concern, you can consult with a GP with additional training in men’s health, via the Virtual GP Service. To access this benefit, please see the Virtual GP page.
Alternatively contact the claims helpline, and speak to our experienced claims team, they will be able to guide you to the most appropriate services, including access to a remote advice service with a men’s health specialist.
The majority of men’s health conditions would be covered under your normal outpatient and inpatient benefits, however some conditions would traditionally sit outside the healthcare scheme cover. We have therefore created the additional men’s health benefits, to provide some extra cover, if this is required. Our experienced claims team will be able to advise you further on whether your condition and treatment would be covered under these extra benefits.
The below table outlines the services available, and how to access them through your healthcare scheme.
Men’s health concern | How to access treatment |
For advice regarding any general men’s health query, including urinary symptoms, sexual health and fertility advice. |
Access YourHealth247 through the portal to speak with a GP without calling the claims helpline. All of the GPs are able to help you with common concerns. Additionally, you may self-refer by contacting the claims helpline without the need for a GP referral and we will be able to direct you to the most appropriate services available to you. This includes access to remote consultations and diagnostic tests with our in-network men’s health specialists (where appropriate). Cover is available up to the limits specified in your table of benefits. Once this benefit limit has been reached the scheme rules apply as detailed in your exclusions and limitations. |
If you are concerned about early signs of prostate or testicular cancer. |
Contact the claims helpline to speak to a nurse case manager who will be able to support you and direct you to the most appropriate specialist without the need for seeing your GP first. Cover will be available as specified in your table of benefits. Further information about early signs of cancers and self-referral can be found here. |
If your GP has referred you to a specialist. |
Contact the claims helpline or access the claims portal to open a new claim. Cover will be available as specified in your table of benefits. One of our experienced claims team will be able to direct you to the most suitable specialist. |
For physiotherapy treatment for a pelvic problem such as stress incontinence |
Contact the claims helpline, without the need for a GP referral, and speak to our experienced claims team who will arrange a telephone based assessment with a senior physiotherapist, to determine the most appropriate treatment for you. Cover is available from your physiotherapy benefit, as specified in your table of benefits. |
Self-referred cancer benefits
Experiencing symptoms that can be associated with cancer can be concerning. It's important to remember that these symptoms are not definitive of cancer but may indicate a risk. We are here to support you in obtaining timely investigations for any symptoms that could potentially be related to cancer.
If you experience any of the symptoms listed below then you are able to call and speak directly to our claims team to self-refer for a consultation and diagnostic tests.
This means that you no longer need to see your GP before accessing private treatment for these concerns in order to prevent any delays in reaching a diagnosis.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, call the claims helpline and our experienced claims team will be able to help direct you into one of our robust clinical pathways with our in-network providers to help reach a diagnosis.
Type of cancer | Signs and symptoms to watch out for |
Breast cancer |
Bowel cancer |
Prostate cancer |
Raised PSA level as specified below:
Testicular cancer |
Skin cancer |
Any of the following changes to a mole or lesion on the skin:
Please remember that these signs are also features of common health problems that
are not caused by cancer, such as a cyst, piles or infection.
In the event that a cancer diagnosis is made, cover will be available as detailed in your cancer cover explained and one of our nurse case managers will support you and be able to provide information on the treatment options available to you.
Please contact us via the Member Zone, the My Healix app or by calling the claims helpline to get further advice and to open a new claim. As with all of your healthcare benefits it is important that you obtain pre-authorisation before receiving any treatment to ensure your claim is eligible and to prevent you incurring any unwanted costs.
Musculoskeletal health pathway
Musculoskeletal conditions affect your muscles, bones and joints. They are very common and tend to increase with age.
Pain and discomfort can affect your daily activities but early diagnosis and treatment may help to ease your symptoms and improve the length of time it takes to recover. We have designed the Healix musculoskeletal pathway with this in mind.
How to make a claim
As soon as you experience bone or joint pain you can use our digital physiotherapy triage service. The service is available to all members over the age of 16.
This can be accessed via the Member Zone or the My Healix app where you will be directed straight through to begin your online journey and treatment pathway without the need to contact the claims helpline.
Click here to access the Member Zone using your individual member number
This digital service is designed to provide an assessment of your needs and guide you to the best course of treatment.
Where self-managed care is appropriate, you are able to immediately access a tailored exercise programme with in-app access to a clinician as required. If needed, you will be guided to face-to-face physiotherapy treatment with our network provider.
If face to face physiotherapy sessions are recommended these will not be subject to an excess, scheme underwriting or any scheme limits (if these apply) when treatment is taken with our digital treatment pathway provider. All other healthcare scheme terms and conditions will apply.
Telephone assessment
If you are unable to access the Member Zone or the My Healix app, call the claims helpline to arrange a telephone based clinical assessment. Our experienced team will take your details and arrange for you to have an initial telephone consultation with a physiotherapist at a convenient time for you who will recommend the most appropriate treatment.
The telephone-based clinical assessment will not be subject to any excess, if one applies, however it will be applied to face-to-face treatment should this be required. All other healthcare scheme terms and conditions will apply.
Mental health pathway
The importance of mental health and wellbeing is becoming increasingly recognised in today’s busy world. Acknowledging stress and anxiety then seeking help are the first steps to developing coping strategies and recovery.
If you are experiencing stress, anxiety or depression or any other mental health problem, please refer to the below for further information on how your scheme can support you.
How to make a claim
Members are able to access a digital emotional wellness triage and immediate advice via the Member Zone or the My Healix app. The service is available for everyone over the age of 16.
Click here to access the Member Zone using your individual member number
Benefits | What is available? | What can you use this for? |
Digital emotional wellness triage |
If face to face mental health treatment is recommended you will be directed into an initial episode of treatment with our network provider.
Where face to face mental health treatment takes place, this will not be subject to an excess, scheme underwriting or any scheme limits (if these apply) when treatment is taken with our digital treatment pathway provider.
Should additional sessions be required beyond the initial episode of treatment, all healthcare scheme terms and conditions, including excess, will then apply.
Telephone assessment
Should you be unable to access the Member Zone or the My Healix app, you can contact the claims helpline for support and advice. There is no need to see your GP or obtain a referral letter unless you are under the age of 18.
Our experienced claims team will take your details and arrange for you to have an initial telephone consultation with a senior psychological therapist at a convenient time for you. This will give you an opportunity to talk through your concerns and agree on the best treatment pathway.
This could be one of several options including:
Face to face cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Guided online CBT
Referral onwards to see a psychiatrist.
Healix will pre-authorise your assessment and treatment (within benefit limits where applicable) and settle all invoices directly.
The telephone-based clinical assessment will not be subject to any excess, if one applies, however it will be applied to face-to-face treatment should this be required. All other healthcare scheme terms and conditions will apply.
*Under 18’s will require a referral letter from their own GP.
Digital skin pathway
Changes found to your skin can be concerning. Fortunately, in most instances, these changes are not caused by cancer, however fast detection is key to help identify the cause of these changes and provide reassurance.
Our digital skin pathway provides fast results and recommendations for further treatment depending on your diagnosis following assessment by our dermatology partners. Please note further treatment will be subject to the terms and conditions of the scheme.
This pathway is suitable for many skin complaints, and our experienced claims team will be able to guide you to access the most suitable pathway for your symptoms.
The table below shows which skin complaints are most suitable to be referred into our digital skin pathway:
Skin Conditions Suitable for the Skin Pathway | Skin Conditions Not Suitable for the Skin Pathway |
A change to an existing mole (itching/bleeding/increase in size) |
Chronic skin conditions such as eczema/psoriasis |
A new skin growth that has appeared and is visible |
New skin rashes |
A sore area of skin that has not healed |
Mole mapping services required for screening purposes where there is no identifiable area of immediate concern |
- |
Members under the age of 18 |
This pathway is easy to use; just follow the simple steps below and access help today:
Step 1
Open a new claim with one of our member advisor. Please see making a claim for details of how to do this.
Step 2
You will receive an SMS to your mobile phone with a link to register for the service and details of how to submit your digital photographic images.
Step 3
Your digital photographic images will be assessed by our experienced dermatology partners within 2 working days.
Step 4
You will receive an SMS to notify you that your results are back and a link to access the report containing the diagnosis and any recommendation.
Step 5
Should a face-to-face consultation with a dermatologist be recommended, our dermatology partners will call you and assist you to arrange it at a suitable time and location for you.
Please note: face-to-face dermatology consultations taken within our network will not be subject to our reasonable and customary fees, however, these fees will apply should you wish to access a consultation outside of this network.
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
As part of your G&T Healthcare Scheme you have access to an EAP service, which is provided by Vita Health Group. This service is available to employees only.
The EAP can offer guidance and advice on a number of topics. Please find some of these listed below:
- Work
- Money
- Retirement
- Your rights
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Management Support
- Emotional support
- Children
- Legal information
This service can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the below number:
0800 111 6387
For further information on the services provided by the EAP, please click here.
Please note, during the phone call you will need to provide Vita Health with your employer’s name, G&T, in order to access the service. Should Vita Health advise you to seek further treatment, please contact us on the claims helpline to check if this is eligible under your scheme. Any further treatment is subject to any general scheme exclusions.
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
Making a claim
Healthcare benefits
Register your claim using the My Healix app. Alternatively, you can call the claims helpline to confirm if cover is available.
In order for us to accurately assess cover under the terms and conditions of your scheme, we may ask to see a copy of your GP referral letter when you open a new claim.
Always contact the claims team before arranging or receiving any treatment.
Click here to access the Member Zone using your individual member number
Call the claims helpline:
0208 150 0937
Monday-Friday 08.00-19.00 (Excl. bank holidays)
Saturday 09.00-13.00
We will confirm:
whether your proposed treatment is eligible for cover under the scheme
whether your proposed treatment costs will be covered under the scheme
any benefit limits or excess that may apply to your claim
To help you make the best possible use of the scheme, we have provided you with a how to claim summary
How to claim summary
If you believe you require physiotherapy, but you haven't seen your GP
If your GP refers you onto a specialist or therapist
If you experience mental health symptoms, but haven't seen your GP
Log your claim via the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the claims helpline
Log your claim via the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the claims helpline
Log your claim via the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the claims helpline
We will assess your symptoms and help organise the most effective treatment
We will advise on cover available, and authorise your eligible treatment
We will advise on cover available, and authorise your eligible treatment
If appropriate, we will arrange a physiotherapy referral within 24 hours, through Healix Physiotherapy Network Provider
If appropriate, we will arrange a referral through Healix Mental Health Network Provider
If further treatment is required, please visit the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the helpline again
If further treatment is required, please visit the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the helpline again
If further treatment is required, please visit the Member Zone, the My Healix app or call the helpline again
Your scheme underwriting
Medical History Disregarded (MHD)
We will not apply any personal medical exclusions to your scheme. However your eligibility for cover will be subject to the general terms of the scheme. Please refer to exclusions and limitations for further information.
Your excess
All members and dependants are liable for an excess of £100, which is payable once every scheme year, if you make an eligible claim.
Your excess will be applied to the first eligible treatment that you receive in each scheme year. This is regardless of when the last excess payment was made and whether the treatment is for the same condition, a related condition, or for an entirely new condition. Please contact us before you receive any treatment, so that we can advise you on when your excess will apply.
Reasonable and customary fees
We adhere to a schedule of reasonable and customary (R&C) fees for specialist fees. These are based on a common set of codes and principles set out by the Clinical Classification and Schedule Development (CCSD) group. Our fee levels have been set after review of what the majority of specialist’s charge for medical and surgical services as well as a review by our clinical support team and our panel of specialist advisors.
We have an open referral network which means you can be referred to the specialist of your choice. Should you choose to be referred to a specialist who charges above our fee schedule you can opt to pay the difference or we can assist you in identifying an alternative specialist that charges within our fee schedule. For further information please refer to our fee schedule, or contact the claims team.
What happens in an emergency?
Most private hospitals are not set up to receive emergency admissions. In the event of an emergency you should:
- call for an NHS ambulance
- visit the accident and emergency department at the local NHS hospital.
If you would like to be transferred to a private facility, please contact us to discuss this. We will then be able to confirm whether your proposed treatment is eligible under the healthcare scheme. Please note you must contact us before you transfer to a private facility.
You will not be covered for:
- the cost of emergency treatment in a private walk-in centre, accident and emergency department or clinic
- the cost of treatment in an intensive care or high dependency unit if you have been transferred specifically to receive this care
- the costs of the transfer to a private facility specifically to receive treatment in an intensive care or high dependency unit.
Exclusions and limitations
The following are conditions and treatments which are not covered under your scheme. If you are unsure about anything in this section, please contact us on the claims helpline.
Exclusions and limitations
We do not pay for treatment to desensitise or neutralise any allergic condition or disorder.
We do not pay for the supply or fitting of appliances, physical aids or devices (including but not limited to hearing aids, spectacles, contact lenses, external prostheses and orthotics etc) which do not fall within our definition of a surgical appliance. Any consultations relating to these are also not covered.
We do not pay for:
- birth control
- sterilisation and/or reversal
- termination of pregnancy
Please note: We will pay for remote consultations and diagnostics related to women’s or men's health concerns with a specialist gynaecologist or men's health specialist as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for treatment of chronic conditions. By this we mean any medical condition which has at least one of the following characteristics:
- it needs ongoing or long-term monitoring through consultations, examinations, check-ups and/or tests
- it needs ongoing or long-term control or relief of symptoms
- it requires rehabilitation or for you to be specially trained to cope with it
- it continues indefinitely
- it has no known cure
- it comes back or is likely to come back.
Please note: this will apply to all medical conditions, whether or not a diagnosis has been made.
Exception: We will pay for eligible treatment arising out of a chronic condition, or for treatment of acute symptoms of a chronic condition that flare up. However, we only pay if the treatment is likely to lead quickly to a complete recovery or to you being fully restored to your previous state of health, without you having to receive prolonged treatment. For example, we pay for treatment following a heart attack arising out of chronic heart disease. This exception does not apply to treatment of a mental health condition.
Please note: in some cases it might not be clear, at the time of treatment, that the disease, illness or injury being treated is a chronic condition. We are not obliged to pay the ongoing costs of continuing, or similar, treatment. This is the case even where we have previously paid for this type of or similar treatment.
Please note this exclusion does not apply to the treatment of cancer.
We do not pay for treatment which arises from, or is related to any exclusion listed in this booklet or treatment which arises from or is related to a surgical procedure we do not cover.
We do not pay for treatment of any injury or disability which is caused or contributed to by nuclear, radioactive or chemical contamination, war, riot, revolution, invasion, terrorist act or military activity or while you or your dependants are carrying out army, naval or air services duties.
We do not pay for treatment if it is primarily used for domestic and/or social reasons.
We do not pay for any treatment to change your appearance even when required for psychological reasons.
We do not pay for any treatment, including surgery:
where the intention of treatment, whether directly or indirectly, is the reduction or removal of healthy, surplus or fat tissue (for example, weight reduction surgery / treatment)
where the aim is to aesthetically enhance the appearance of the face or body where no functional condition is present (for example, botox, fillers or asymptomatic rhinoplasty)
Exception: we will pay for medically necessary treatment to restore your appearance in the following circumstances:
where it results from an eligible underlying disease process
following eligible treatment (including cancer treatment)
where the condition is causing a functional problem
Please note: we use NHS guidance as a benchmark for deciding whether the exceptions above are eligible for cover. All requests for cover must be submitted in writing with supporting medical information.
Treatment for or arising from deafness caused by a congenital abnormality, maturing or ageing.
We do not pay for any dental or oral treatment other than listed in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for treatment for or associated with dialysis.
Exception: we will only pay for dialysis required as a result of complications following an eligible procedure.
We do not pay for drugs and dressings provided or prescribed for use as an outpatient or for you to take home other than as outlined in cancer cover explained page.
We do not pay for any complementary or alternative therapy products or preparations, including but not limited to homeopathic remedies or substances, regardless of who they are prescribed or provided by or the type of medical condition they are prescribed to treat.
We do not pay for:
- the cost of emergency treatment in a private walk-in centre, accident and emergency department or clinic
- the cost of an emergency admission into a private hospital
- the cost of treatment in an intensive care or high dependency unit if you have been transferred specifically to receive this care
- the costs of the transfer to a private facility specifically to receive treatment in an intensive care or high dependency unit.
We do not pay for treatment required to relieve symptoms at the end stage of a disease.
We do not pay for treatments, including medication, which in our reasonable opinion are experimental, unproved based on established medical practice in the United Kingdom or not yet approved by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, are being researched or that do not yet have sufficient peer-reviewed evidence to conclude that:
- the harmful effects are outweighed by the beneficial effects
- they are likely to lead to the same or better outcomes than available alternatives
- they are based on established medical practice in the United Kingdom.
This also includes medical procedures (including the use of unlicensed drugs or drugs which are not available under the NHS, even if they are on clinical trial).
We do not pay for treatment to correct your sight other than as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for:
- any type of investigations into infertility
- treatment of infertility
- assisted reproduction, surrogacy, harvesting of donor eggs or donor insemination
- sperm collection and storage
- complications following any of the above
Please note: We will pay for remote consultations and diagnostics related to women’s or men's health concerns with a specialist gynaecologist or men's health specialist as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for any treatment of gender dysphoria, or any treatment arising from or relating to gender dysphoria.
We do not pay for treatment or charges incurred in nature cure clinics, health hydros, spas or similar establishments is not covered, even if they are registered as, or part of a listed hospital, including private beds registered as a nursing home in these places.
We do not pay for charges incurred in a private hospital or any NHS hospital for ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit) or ICU (Intensive Care Unit) treatment, unless the treatment immediately follows and is required as a result of eligible pre-authorised treatment for which we have provided written confirmation that benefits will be payable.
We do not pay for any treatment (including assessment) of adult or childhood neurodevelopmental disorders.
Any weight loss treatment or treatment required as a result of obesity. This includes any form of weight loss surgery such as gastric banding, gastric bypass or the removal of surplus or fat tissue.
We do not pay for treatment outside the United Kingdom including evacuation or repatriation, other than as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for treatment for or arising from pandemic and / or epidemic disease.
Please note, you will be covered for treatment of Long COVID as detailed in your COVID19 Cover Explained.
We do not pay for personal comfort and convenience items or services such as television, telephone costs, newspapers, taxi fares, guest meals and similar incidental services and supplies.
We do not pay for any treatment related to pregnancy or childbirth, other than as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for any form of genetic testing or screening, health screening such as routine tests or monitoring of medical conditions, monitoring of chronic conditions, health checks or preventative treatment, procedures or medical services where no disease is present.
We do not pay for any treatment required due to sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted infections or sexual problems, whatever the cause.
Please note: We will pay for remote consultations and diagnostics related to women’s or men's health concerns with a specialist gynaecologist or men's health specialist as specified in your table of benefits.
We do not pay for treatment for or arising from sleep problems or disorders such as sleep apnoea, snoring or any other sleep-related breathing problem.
We do not pay for treatment for or relating to any speech disorder such as stammering. However we may pay for short term speech therapy for an acute condition immediately following eligible treatment. The speech therapy must be recommended by a specialist in charge of treatment and must be provided by a practitioner that we recognise for benefit purposes
We do not pay for treatment needed for any procedure required to a mother or child as a result of a surrogate pregnancy until such time as the child has been accepted as an eligible dependant by the G&T Healthcare Scheme.
We do not pay for treatment intended to provide temporary relief of symptoms or for the ongoing management of a condition.
We do not pay for any transplants and/or adoptive cell transfer therapies, complications related to, or resulting from these treatments. This includes, but is not limited to CAR T cell therapy, Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocyte therapy and stem cell/bone marrow treatments.
We also do not pay for
- donor costs
- harvesting
- storage
- administration
- and/or any complications/treatment arising from any of the above
Exception: we will pay for recipient costs for skin or corneal grafts when eligible for benefit.
We do not pay for any expenses which you have claimed or can claim from any other insurance or source. If another insurer provides cover, we will negotiate with them to make sure both companies pay their share of the claim. You must tell us in writing as soon as possible about any claim or right of legal action, against any other person that arises from the claim under this scheme. You must keep us fully informed of any developments.
If we ask you, you must take all steps to include the amount of benefit you are claiming from us under this scheme in your claim against the other person. We can take over and defend or settle any claim or prosecute any claim, in your or your dependant’s name for our own benefit.
We will decide how to carry out any proceedings and settlement.
We do not pay for any treatment that has not been referred by:
- Your GP
- An optician for eye treatment
- An occupational health physician or GP for psychiatric conditions.
We do not pay for treatment with sports therapists, massage therapists, or anyone who does not meet our definition of a practitioner or complementary practitioner
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
End of cover
Cover for you (the member) will end in the following situations:
if your employment with G&T has come to an end for any reason
if you no longer live full time in the United Kingdom
if you pass away
if for any reason you or G&T ask us to end cover
- If you or any of your dependants have given us misleading information, have kept something from us, or have broken the conditions of this plan.
If your cover ends, your dependants cover will also end on the same day as your cover.
Cover for dependants will end in the following situations:
Your partner's cover will end:
if you get divorced, or your civil partnership is dissolved. Cover for your partner will end as soon as the final decree/final dissolution order has been granted.
if you no longer live together, then your partner will no longer be considered a dependant for the purposes of this scheme.
Your dependant child’s cover will end:
after they have turned 21 (or 24 if in full time education). They will be removed from cover on the next annual renewal date following their 21st birthday (or 24th birthday if in full time education).
if they get married, then they will no longer be considered a dependant for the purposes of this scheme.
- if they no longer live full time in the United Kingdom
Members must inform their HR department as soon as possible of any changes of this matter.
If treatment has been authorised, but has not yet taken place, you will be responsible for any treatment costs if the scheme then terminates or you leave the scheme.
Continuation option
As Healix Health Services only provides corporate group schemes, we are unable to continue your cover as an individual if you leave the G&T Healthcare Scheme.
Mercer Marsh Benefits is an independent advisor and may be able to offer the possibility of continuous cover. These terms are offered to you as a previous member of the G&T Healthcare Scheme and are available for a limited time only, usually no more than 30 days from the date of leaving. It is therefore important that you act straight away to maintain continuity of cover.
Please contact Mercer Marsh Benefits on 0800 011 3136 or and they will arrange for an adviser to get in touch to talk through the options with you.
How to make a complaint
It is always our intention to provide a first class standard of service: however, we recognise that on occasions, your requirements may not have been met.
Should you have any cause for complaint, you should contact us.
How your complaint will be handled
Stage 1
You will receive a written acknowledgement of your complaint within five business days of receipt. This will include the name and job title of the individual handling the complaint.
Stage 2
Within four weeks of receiving your complaint, you will receive either:
A final response or
A holding response, explaining why we are not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and indicating when we will be making further contact (this will be within eight weeks from receiving the complaint).
Stage 3
If you have not received a final response within four weeks, by the end of eight weeks after receipt of the complaint, you will receive either:
A final response.
A response explaining why we are still not in a position to provide a final response and explaining when we believe we will be able to do so.
If we are unable to provide a final response, due to the delay which has now occurred, you may refer your complaint to the Trustees.
If, during stage 2 or 3, we issue our final response but you remain dissatisfied, you may refer your complaint to the Trustees. To do this, please set out your reasons fully in writing to the Operations Director, asking for referral to the trustees for further consideration.
How to claim reimbursement
How to claim for cash benefits
If you have received eligible treatment free of charge on the NHS you may be eligible to receive reimbursement of cash benefits as detailed in your table of benefits.
These benefits will only be eligible if the treatment received would otherwise have been eligible for benefit under your scheme.
Please note; only one cash benefit reimbursement can be claimed per admission.
In order to claim these benefits you can register your claim via the Member Zone or the My Healix app
You will need to provide the following information for a claim to be processed
- a copy of your NHS discharge paperwork which should confirm the following information:
- Date of admission and discharge from the NHS hospital
- Name and date of birth of the person admitted to hospital
- Summary of the reason for admission and the treatment received
- Bank details for the reimbursement to be made to
- Account holder’s name
- Sort code
- Account number
How to claim baby cash benefit
Following the birth or adoption of a child you may be eligible for a cash benefit as detailed in your table of benefits.
In order to claim these benefits you can register your claim via the Member Zone or the My Healix app
You will need to provide the following information for a claim to be processed:
- A copy of the full birth or adoption certificate
- Bank details for the reimbursement to be made to
- Account holder’s name
- Sort code
- Account number
How to claim reimbursement of medical expenses
If you have paid a provider directly for eligible medical services you can claim a reimbursement of these costs as long as the treatment received is eligible for cover as detailed in your table of benefits.
In order to claim these benefits you can register your claim via the Member Zone or the My Healix app
You will need to provide the following information for a claim to be processed:
- An itemised receipt confirming the following information:
- Date treatment was received
- Details of the treatment received
- Amount paid for the treatment
- Bank details for the reimbursement to be made to
- Account holder’s name
- Sort code
- Account number
Please note:
Once the claim has been confirmed as eligible by the claims team, reimbursement will be arranged via direct bank transfer.
All reimbursement claims (including cash benefit claims) must be submitted within six months of your treatment date / birth or adoption date or within 6 months of the end of the scheme year you wish to claim against - whichever comes soonest.
Additional information can be found in the payment of invoices page.
Payment of invoices
All treatment should be authorised in advance, so that we can place a guarantee of payment with your healthcare provider, subject to your benefit limits and our reasonable and customary guidelines. If you have pre-authorised your treatment, we will settle the bill (up to applicable limits) directly with your specialist, therapist or hospital. You are responsible for making sure we have all the information we need to pay your claims.
In some circumstances it may be necessary for you to pay for pre-authorised treatment yourself, and request a reimbursement from us for the cost of the treatment. In these cases please send us a copy of your receipt via email, along with your bank account details, and we will arrange reimbursement via bank transfer. All reimbursement claims (including cash benefit claims) must be submitted within six months of your treatment date or within six months of the end of the scheme year you wish to claim against - whichever comes soonest. Any claims submitted after this, will be assessed on a case by case basis, and paid at our discretion.
We will not pay for claims:
- if the invoice or reimbursement claim (including cash benefit claims) is not submitted within six months of your treatment date / birth or adoption date or within 6 months of the end of the scheme year you wish to claim against - whichever comes soonest
- if the treatment takes place after you have left the scheme
- if you break any terms and conditions of your membership
- if you incur a fee for non-attendance or late cancellations.
Requests for additional information
We may ask you to provide information to help us assess your claim. For example we may ask you for one or more of the following:
Medical reports and other information about the treatment for which you are claiming. If we request a medical report from your specialist and they charge for providing this we will pay the cost.
Original accounts and invoices in connection with your claim.
Obtain results of an independent medical examination or second opinion for which we may ask you to make an appointment with a with a specialist. We will pay for the cost of any independent medical examination or second opinion we require and we will authorise this in writing, in advance.
Provide results of any second opinion you have independently sought under the care of another specialist. On such occasions we may additionally request our own, independent, second opinion from an expert in that field to assess eligibility of cover. We will pay the costs of any second opinion we organise on your behalf, this includes the cost of the consultation and any tests undertaken as a result of that consultation.
We will liaise with you and your medical specialists throughout your treatment and will request medical information, when we deem this to be necessary for the assessment of your claim. You will be asked for your consent before we do this.
Throughout your claim we will make you aware of the options that are available to you. If your medical specialist recommends treatment, you should contact the helpline as soon as possible to be sure that continued treatment is covered.
Our team of case managers will assess the level of cover available to you for planned treatment within the terms and conditions of the scheme. In some instances it may be necessary to refer your claim to our specialist nurses, along with our panel of independent specialist advisors, who will advise on the level of cover available for the recommended treatment.
Duplicate cover
You must tell us if you are able to make a claim for the cost of any of your treatment from anyone else either under another healthcare scheme or under an insurance policy. For example, if you received an injury that was caused by someone else such as a road traffic accident in which you are not at fault, the scheme will only pay a share of the total costs as appropriate.
If benefits are claimed for treatment to you when the injury or medical condition was caused by a third party, the scheme shall, at its own expense, have the right to pursue such claims in any way considered appropriate in your name. You must co-operate with all reasonable requests in this respect and advise us of any amount you recover directly from the third party.
Healix privacy notice
If you would like to know more about how Healix store and process your personal data, please find our Privacy Notice by clicking here.
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
Contacting us
The Healix Team
We have a team of experienced case managers and nurses available to advise and help you, who can be contacted on the helpline number below:
Email: G&
Monday-Friday 08.00-19.00 (Excl. bank holidays)
Saturday 09.00-13.00
Telephone calls to and from our organisation are recorded for the purposes of quality and training.
Any correspondence should be sent to the following address:
Claims Administration Department
Healix Health Services
Healix House, Esher Green
Esher, Surrey
KT10 8AB
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <
Trust Deed
Trustee, Trustees
United Kingdom
Waiting Period
We, Us, Our
You, Your
Member Zone
Scheme Year 2024-2025
The new scheme year renewed on the 1st April 2024. There have been no changes made to the scheme for this year.
Scheme Year 2023-2024
The below changes have come into effect for the new scheme year from 1st April 2023.
New Benefit | Benefit Limit | Benefit wording |
Perci Health - Virtual cancer support | Refer to Member Zone for further information |
Please refer to your cancer support explained |
Digital Triage | Refer to Member Zone for further information |
Please refer to Musculoskeletal health pathway and Mental health pathway. |
Benefit Changes | Previous Wording | New Wording |
Outpatient consultations with a specialist on self-referral for breast, prostate or testicular cancer symptoms |
Outpatient consultations with a specialist on self-referral for breast, prostate or testicular cancer symptoms We will pay within your overall outpatient limit for self-referred consultations and investigations for breast, prostate or testicular cancer symptoms. Please refer to the self- referred cancer benefits page for further information on how to access this benefit. If a diagnosis of cancer is made, cover for eligible treatment will be subject to any limits as detailed in your cancer treatment benefit. |
Outpatient consultations with a specialist on self-referral for breast, bowel, prostate or testicular cancer symptoms We will pay within your overall outpatient limit for self-referred consultations and investigations for breast, bowel, prostate or testicular cancer symptoms. Please refer to the self- referred cancer benefits page for further information on how to access this benefit. If a diagnosis of cancer is made, cover for eligible treatment will be subject to any limits as detailed in your cancer treatment benefit. |
Out of network mental health treatment |
Out of network mental health treatment We will pay for up to 12 sessions of treatment for eligible mental health conditions with a specialist or psychological therapist following GP referral when treatment is taken outside of our Mental Health Network Provider. We will pay the costs of an initial assessment followed by a maximum of five further sessions if required and pre-authorisation has been obtained from us. If further sessions are required, you must contact us on 0208 150 0937 with details of your proposed treatment plan from your treating psychological therapist before any further sessions will be authorised. Please note: this benefit is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available under this benefit. Should your specialist/psychological therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 10 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Where a mental health condition has been deemed chronic, we may pay for some outpatient treatment as outlined in benefit note 7e. |
Out of network mental health treatment We will pay for up to 15 sessions of treatment for eligible mental health conditions with a specialist or psychological therapist following GP referral when treatment is taken outside of our Mental Health Network Provider. We will pay the costs of an initial assessment followed by a maximum of five further sessions if required and pre-authorisation has been obtained from us. If further sessions are required, you must contact us on 0208 150 0937 with details of your proposed treatment plan from your treating psychological therapist before any further sessions will be authorised. Please note: this benefit is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available under this benefit. Should your specialist/psychological therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 15 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Where a mental health condition has been deemed chronic, we may pay for some outpatient treatment as outlined in benefit note 7e. |
Scheme Year 2022-2023
The below changes have come into effect for the new scheme year from 1st April 2022.
Benefit Changes | Previous Benefit Limit | New Benefit Limit |
Women's Health Benefit Remote advice service with our in-network specialist gynaecologists (up to 4 consultations per scheme year) Diagnostic tests and investigations following referral from our in-network remote gynaecologists (up to £500 per scheme year) |
Women's Health Benefit Remote advice service with our in-network specialist gynaecologists We will pay for up to 4 remote advice appointments per scheme year with our in-network specialist gynaecologists on self-referral. This service can be used to discuss any women’s health concern including conditions that are normally excluded for cover such as the menopause or for contraception/fertility advice.
Diagnostic tests and investigations following referral from our in-network gynaecologists We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for diagnostic tests or investigations that are recommended following a remote advice appointment with our in-network specialist gynaecologists. Remote consultations and diagnostic tests and investigations will be covered up to the limits described above only. Once the benefit limits have been reached the scheme rules will apply as detailed in your exclusions and limitations. Please note: additional cover may be available outside of the above limits for eligible claims, please contact the claims helpline for further information. Please refer to the woman's health benefit page for further information on how to access these benefits.
Women's and men's health benefit Remote advice service with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men's health specialists We will pay for up to 4 remote advice appointments per scheme year with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men’s health specialists on self-referral. This service can be used to discuss any health concern including conditions that are normally excluded for cover such as the menopause, andropause, sexual health concerns, fertility or contraception advice.
Diagnostic tests and investigations following referral from our in-network gynaecologists or men's health specialists We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for diagnostic tests or investigations that are recommended following a remote advice appointment with our in-network specialist gynaecologists or men’s health specialists. Remote consultations and diagnostic tests and investigations will be covered up to the limits described above only. Once the benefit limits have been reached the scheme rules will apply as detailed in your exclusions and limitations. Please note: additional cover may be available outside of the above limits for eligible claims, please contact the claims helpline for further information. Please refer to the women's or men's health services page for further information on how to access these benefits |
Scheme Year 2021-2022
The below changes have come into effect for the new scheme year from 1st April 2021.
New Benefit | Benefit Limit | Benefit Note |
Outpatient practitioner appointments |
Full cover |
We will pay within your overall outpatient limit for consultations with a a practitioner following specialist referral. The practitioner must be registered with the correct governing body for their field, and meet our definition for a practitioner. |
Self-referral for suspected breast cancer |
Full cover |
We will pay within your overall outpatient limit for self-referred consultations and investigations for breast cancer symptoms. If a diagnosis of breast cancer is made, cover for eligible treatment will be subject to any limits as detailed in your cancer treatment benefit. |
Remote consultations with our in-network specialist gynaecologists for women’s health concerns |
4 remote consultations per scheme year, via our in-network specialist gynaecologists |
You can contact our virtual GP, TrustDoc24, directly on 0345 319 4129 at any time to arrange a remote consultation with a GP with additional training in women’s health. Alternatively contact our helpline and speak with the nursing team, and if appropriate we may be able to arrange a remote consultation directly with our in-network gynaecologist. Please contact us to discuss this. Please note: remote consultations with our in-network gynaecologist will be limited to 4 per scheme year. If further consultations are required, these will be subject to the general terms and conditions of the scheme. There is no limit placed on remote consultations with our virtual GP. Please refer to the women’s health services page for further information on how to access this benefit.
Diagnostic tests and investigations in relation to women’s health concerns |
Up to £500 per scheme year |
We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for diagnostic tests or investigations that are recommended following a remote consultation with our in-network specialist gynaecologists. Please refer to the women’s health services page for further information on how to access this benefit. |
Outpatient mental health treatment required as a result of COVID-19 |
Up to £1,500 per scheme year within £5,000 overall limit |
We will pay up to £1,500 per scheme year, for outpatient consultations for eligible mental health conditions, following GP or self-referral, when treatment is required as a result of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as “long COVID”). If your referral is to a psychological therapist we will arrange a telephone-based clinical assessment with a senior psychological therapist from our mental health network provider who will help organise the most effective treatment for you. This could include face to face therapy, guided self-management or specialist referral. Where treatment with a psychological therapist occurs outside our network provider it must be delivered under the direct supervision of a consultant psychiatrist. Please note this benefit is also subject to the overall benefit limit of £5,000 per scheme year for COVID-19 benefits. Please refer to the COVID-19 Cover Explained for further information. |
Outpatient Physiotherapy treatment required as a result of COVID-19 |
Up to £500 per scheme year within £5,000 overall limit |
We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for outpatient physiotherapy following GP or self-referral, when treatment is required as a result of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as “long COVID”). If this is a self-referral*, we will arrange a telephone-based clinical assessment with a senior physiotherapist who will help organise the most effective treatment for you. This could include face to face physiotherapy, guided self-management or specialist referral. The telephone-based clinical assessment will not be subject to any excess, if one applies, however it will be applied to subsequent treatment should this be required. We will continue to monitor your progress by liaising with your treatment provider and authorise additional treatment where necessary and eligible. If treatment takes place outside our Physiotherapy network, the physiotherapist must still be recognised by us for benefit purposes. Please note this benefit is also subject to the overall benefit limit of £5,000 per scheme year for COVID-19 benefits. Please refer to the COVID-19 Cover Explained for further information. |
Outpatient Complementary Therapies required as a result of COVID-19 |
Up to £250 per scheme year within £5,000 overall limit |
We will pay up to £250 per scheme year for chiropractic treatment, osteopathy and acupuncture, following GP or specialist referral, when treatment is required as a result of COVID-19 (commonly referred to as “long COVID”). You must be referred to a complementary practitioner we have recognised for benefit purposes. Please note this benefit is also subject to the overall benefit limit of £5,000 per scheme year for COVID-19 benefits. Please refer to the COVID-19 Cover Explained for further information. |
Rehabilitation |
Limited cover |
We will pay for up to 28 days per condition for inpatient, daycase and/or outpatient rehabilitation. Treatment must be referred by a specialist and be aimed at returning you to independent living by restoring health or mobility. Treatment must take place within 12 months of you having been deemed medically fit to commence rehabilitation by your specialist. |
Pregnancy and childbirth |
Full cover for specified treatment |
We will pay for the following specified obstetric procedures / treatment:
We will require full clinical details from your specialist before we can give our decision on cover. In the event that the newborn requires immediate treatment as a result of an eligible caesarean section, this should be administered by the NHS free of charge. If the newborn is not entitled to NHS care and is not accepted as a dependant on the scheme we will pay for treatment for up to 7 days following the birth, to allow you time to make alternative arrangements. In cases where they are accepted as a member of the scheme they will only be entitled to benefits outlined in the benefits table and will be subject to the exclusions listed within the scheme. |
Disorders of the eye |
Full cover for specified treatment |
We will pay for eligible acute treatment of the following conditions:
Oral surgical procedures |
Full cover for specified treatment |
We will pay for the following specified oral surgical operations carried out by a specialist:
Benefit Changes | Previous Benefit Limit | New Benefit Limit |
Cancer outpatient and alternative therapies |
We will pay a combined limit of £1,000 per scheme year for cancer outpatient therapies and cancer alternative therapies. Cancer outpatient therapies Cancer alternative therapies Benefits will be paid to you on receipt of the necessary documents, which must be submitted within six months of your treatment date. These benefits are available when recommended by your specialist and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment. Treatment must be taken with a physiotherapist, complementary practitioner or practitioner we recognise for benefit purposes. For more details on how to access these benefits, please call on 0208 150 0937. |
We will pay a combined limit of £1,000 per scheme year for cancer outpatient therapies and cancer alternative therapies. Cancer outpatient therapies Cancer alternative therapies Benefits will be paid to you on receipt of the necessary documents, which must be submitted within six months of your treatment date. These benefits are available when recommended on GP, specialist or self referral and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment. Treatment must be taken with a physiotherapist, complementary practitioner or practitioner we recognise for benefit purposes. For more details on how to access these benefits, please call on 0208 150 0937. |
Exclusion wording changes | Previous scheme wording | Updated Wording |
Alcohol abuse, substance abuse and addiction
Treatment required as a result of alcoholism, alcohol abuse, solvent abuse or addictive conditions or any associated psychiatric condition. |
Removed |
Birth control, contraception, sexual problems and sex changes |
Birth control contraception: We do not pay for:
Gender dysphoria: We do not pay for any treatment of gender dysphoria, or any treatment arising from or relating to gender dysphoria. Sexual dysfunction: We do not pay for any treatment required due to sexual dysfunction or sexual problems, whatever the cause.
Chronic conditions |
The ongoing treatment of chronic conditions. By this we mean a disease, illness or injury which has at least one ofthe following characteristics
Please note: this will apply to all medical conditions, whether or not a diagnosis has been made We will pay for eligible acute conditions related to a chronic condition (this does not apply to psychiatric conditions). For example, we pay for treatment following a heart attack arising out of chronic heart disease. However, many chronic conditions are of a relapsing and remitting nature, requiring management of recurrent episodes where symptoms deteriorate - e.g. multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, long-term depressive illness, psoriasis etc. The relapses are part of the normal illness course and therefore cannot be classed as acute complications of the disease and are not eligible for benefit. Please note: in some cases it might not be clear at the time of treatment that the disease, illness or injury being treated is a chronic condition. We may not pay the ongoing costs of continuing, or similar treatment even where we have previously paid for this type of or similar treatment. As we expect an acute condition to resolve completely within three months, we would begin to consider any condition lasting longer than this as chronic |
We do not pay for treatment of chronic conditions. By this we mean any medical condition which has at least one of the following characteristics:
Please note: this will apply to all medical conditions, whether or not a diagnosis has been made. Exception: We will pay for eligible treatment arising out of a chronic condition, or for treatment of acute symptoms of a chronic condition that flare up. However, we only pay if the treatment is likely to lead quickly to a complete recovery or to you being fully restored to your previous state of health, without you having to receive prolonged treatment. For example, we pay for treatment following a heart attack arising out of chronic heart disease. This exception does not apply to treatment of a mental health condition. Please note this exclusion does not apply to the treatment of cancer. |
Congenital conditions
Treatment for abnormalities which you have had from birth except for emergency operations carried out within 14 days of birth. We do not pay for treatment related to tongue-tie or cleft lip palates. |
Removed |
Convalescence, rehabilitation and general nursing care
Private hospital accommodation (if it is primarily used for any of the following purposes):
We do not pay for treatment if it is primarily used for domestic and/or social reasons. |
Dental or oral treatment
Dental and oral treatment; the provision of dental implants or dentures, repair or replacement of damaged teeth (including crowns, bridges, dentures or any dental prostheses). The management of or treatment (including surgical operations) of jaw shrinkage or loss as a result of dental extractions or gum disease. We do not pay for surgical operations for the treatment of bone disease when related to gum disease or tooth disease or damage. Exception: we will pay for surgical operations carried out by your specialist to:
We do not pay for any dental or oral treatment other than listed in your table of benefits. |
Dialysis |
Supportive treatment for chronic kidney failure or kidney failure which cannot be cured, including dialysis of any kind. Exception: we will only pay for dialysis to treat acute reversible kidney failure or immediately before or after an eligible kidney transplant. |
We do not pay for treatment for or associated with dialysis. Exception: We will pay for temporary dialysis as a result of complications following an eligible procedure. |
Eyesight correction
Treatment to correct your sight, for example long or short sight or failing eyesight due to ageing, or to change the refraction of one or both eyes. We do not pay for routine eye examinations, contact lenses, spectacles or laser eye procedures such as refractive keratotomy (RK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). |
We do not pay for treatment to correct your sight other than as specified in your table of benefits. |
Pandemic and/or epidemic disease |
We do not pay for treatment for or arising from pandemic and / or epidemic disease. Please note, you will be covered for treatment of Long COVID as detailed in your COVID19 Cover Explained |
Pregnancy and childbirth |
Treatment for, or any condition arising from pregnancy, childbirth or termination of pregnancy except where childbirth complications arise. This includes conditions such as:
Exception: We will pay for treatment of the following conditions:
However we need full clinical details from your specialist before we can give our decision. |
We do not pay for any treatment related to pregnancy or childbirth, other than as specified in your table of benefits.
Scheme Year 2020 - 2021
The below changes will come into effect for the new policy year from 1st April 2020
Wording Changes | Old wording | New wording |
Home Nursing |
We will pay in full for home nursing charges for qualified nurses if recommended by a specialist and where treatment is:
We will need full clinical details before we give our authorisation and you must have our written agreement before treatment starts. Home nursing provided by a community psychiatric nurse is not covered by the scheme. |
We will pay in full for home nursing charges for registered nurses if recommended by a specialist and where treatment is:
We will need full clinical details before we give our authorisation and you must have our written agreement before treatment starts. Home nursing provided by a community mental health team is not covered by the scheme. |
Transplant exclusion |
Any form of transplant surgery, treatment or complications related to, or resulting from, this type of surgery. We do not pay for cost relating to autologous, allogeneic or syngeneic bone marrow donation including removal, transportation, storage or reintroduction of any stem cells and any treatment associated with this. Exception: we will pay for skin or corneal grafts when eligible for benefit. |
We do not pay for any transplants and/or adoptive cell transfer therapies, complications related to, or resulting from these treatments. This includes, but is not limited to CAR T cell therapy, Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocyte therapy and stem cell/bone marrow treatments. We also do not pay for
Exception: we will pay for recipient costs for skin or corneal grafts when eligible for benefit. |
Removal of exclusion |
removal of AIDS / HIV exclusion |
Hospice Benefit |
We will make a payment of £100 per night to a hospice, for up to a maximum of 91 nights in any one year of cover. |
In the event that you are admitted to a hospice, we will make a donation of £100 per night to the hospice, for the duration of the admission. |
New benefit | Benefit wording | Benefit limit |
Cancer outpatient therapies and cancer alternative therapies |
We will pay up to the benefit limit for physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment, manual lymphatic drainage and dietician services. We will reimburse up to £250 on a pay and claim basis within the above combined limit of £1,000 per scheme year for acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and homeopathy. Benefits will be paid to you on receipt of the necessary documents, which must be submitted within six months of your treatment date. These benefits are available when recommended by your specialist and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment. Treatment must be taken with a practitioner we recognise for benefit purposes. |
We will pay a combined limit of £1,000 per scheme year for cancer outpatient therapies and cancer alternative therapies. |
Cancer outpatient mental health treatment |
We will pay up to £1,000 per scheme year for outpatient mental health treatment. Mental Health treatment must be with a Psychological Therapist or Psychiatrist for this to be eligible for cover. This benefit is available when recommended by your specialist and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment. |
We will pay up to £1,000 per scheme year for outpatient mental health treatment. |
Cancer additional services |
We will pay in full for the cost of external prosthesis, wigs and medical tattooing for reconstructive purposes only. For wigs and medical tattooing benefit is available on a pay and claim basis only. Benefits will be paid to you on receipt of the necessary documents, which must be submitted within six months of your treatment date. This benefit is available when recommended by your specialist and required as a direct result of eligible cancer treatment. Treatment must be taken with a practitioner we recognise for benefit purposes |
Full cover |
Scheme Year 2019-2020
Your policy renewed on the 1st April 2019. There have been no changes made for this scheme year.
May 2018
The below changes have come into affect from May 2018.
Amendment | |
Data Protection |
The Data Protection page has been updated in line with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation that came into effect on 25th May 2018. The Data Protection page has been changed to Healix Privacy Notice. |
Phone Line |
The claims line is now closed on a Saturday during bank holiday weekends. The new opening hours are: Monday-Friday 08:00-18:00 (excl. bank holidays) |
Scheme Year 2018-2019
The below changes have come into effect for the new policy year from 1st April 2018.
New Benefit | Benefit limit | Benefit limit |
Outpatient chronic mental health |
£500 per scheme year |
We will pay up to £500 per scheme year for outpatient treatment required as a result of a chronic mental health condition following GP or self-referral. Please call the claims helpline to speak with one of our Nurse Case Managers for further advice and support on accessing this benefit. All treatment must be pre-authorised to be eligible for cover. This benefit is for outpatient treatment only and is subject to all other terms and conditions.
Virtual GP |
Unlimited cover |
As part of your G&T Healthcare Scheme you have access to a virtual GP service, called TrustDoc24 which is provided by Medical Solutions. This service can be accessed 24/7, 365 days a year by phone on: 0345 319 4129, or via the app (eConsultation service is available Mon-Fri 08:00-22:00, Sat 08:00-20:00, Sun 10:00-18:00, excluding bank holidays). For further information on the service click here, and for details on how to download the app click here. Please note, during the phone call or eConsultation you will need to provide Medical Solutions with your employer’s name, Gardiner & Theobald, in order to access the service. Should Medical Solutions refer you onto a specialist, please contact us on your help line number 0208 150 0937 to check if this is eligible under your scheme. Any onward referrals are subject to your scheme underwriting, personal exclusions (if applicable) and general scheme exclusions. Should further information on your past medical history be required we will need your consent to contact your NHS GP.
Mid Year Changes 2018
The below changes have come into effect from January 2018:
Benefit | Previous benefit note | New benefit note |
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment |
We will pay for fees for outpatient consultations for mental health conditions when referred by a GP. Treatment with a Psychological Therapist must be under the direct supervision of a Consultant Psychiatrist unless this is delivered by a Healix Mental Health network provider. Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary guidelines. For assistance in finding a network provider please contact the Helpline and a member of the team will arrange a referral on your behalf. Please note: Your cover is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available on your scheme. Should your specialist/therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 10 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Any extension in cover will be subject to a full clinical review and assessed on a case by case basis – full clinical details will be required from your treating specialist. |
1) In Network Mental Health Cover We will pay in full for outpatient treatment for eligible mental health conditions following GP / Self-referral when treatment is provided by our Mental Health Network Provider. We will arrange a telephone-based clinical assessment with a Senior Therapist who will help organise the most effective treatment for you. This could include face to face therapy, guided self-management or specialist referral. Please note: Your cover is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available on your scheme. Should your specialist/therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 10 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Any extension in cover will be subject to a full clinical review and assessed on a case by case basis – full clinical details will be required from your treating specialist.
2) Out of Network Mental Health Cover We will pay for up to 12 sessions of treatment for eligible mental health conditions with a specialist or psychological therapist following GP referral when treatment is taken outside of our Mental Health Network Provider. We will pay the costs of an initial assessment followed by a maximum of five further sessions if required and pre-authorisation has been obtained from us. If further sessions are required, you must contact us on 0208 150 0937 with details of your proposed treatment plan from your treating therapist before any further sessions will be authorised. Please note: Your cover is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available on your scheme. Should your specialist/therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 10 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Any extension in cover will be subject to a full clinical review and assessed on a case by case basis – full clinical details will be required from your treating specialist. |
Scheme Year 2017-2018
Your scheme renewed on the 1st April 2017. There will be no changes for this scheme year.
Scheme Year 2016-2017
The below changes will come into effect for the new scheme year from 1st April 2016.
New Benefit | Benefit limit | New benefit limit |
Self Refered Physiotherapy |
Full Refund |
We will pay in full for outpatient physiotherapy when treatment is provided by our physiotherapy network provider following referral by us. You may contact the Claims Helpline without the need for referral from your GP and a nurse will assess your symptoms and help organise the most effective treatment. If appropriate, we will arrange a physiotherapy referral within 24 hours and continue to monitor your progress by liaising with your treatment provider and assess whether you require further treatment or are ready to be discharged. |
Benefits wording changes | Previous wording | New wording |
Outpatient Psychiatric (now referred to as Outpatient Mental Health) |
We will pay in full, fees for outpatient consultations with a specialist following GP referral, consultations with a psychiatrist, outpatient diagnostics, treatment and investigations. |
We will pay for fees for outpatient consultations for mental health conditions when referred by a GP. Treatment with a Psychological Therapist must be under the direct supervision of a Consultant Psychiatrist unless this is delivered by a Healix Mental Health network provider. Cover is subject to our reasonable and customary guidelines. For assistance in finding a network provider please contact the Helpline and a member of the team will arrange a referral on your behalf. Please note: Your cover is designed to provide help for short or medium-term medical treatment that restores you back to health. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which ongoing cover will not be available on your scheme. Should your specialist/therapist recommend that treatment will be required in excess of 10 sessions the nursing team will provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment after this period. Any extension in cover will be subject to a full clinical review and assessed on a case by case basis – full clinical details will be required from your treating specialist. |
Inpatient psychiatric treatment (now referred to as Inpatient Mental Health Treatment) |
We will pay up to a maximum of 28 days in any one year of cover for medically necessary treatment as an inpatient or daycase in an NHS or private psychiatric unit for psychiatric conditions which, we agree are eligible in writing and in advance. All treatment must be under the direct control of a Consultant Psychiatrist. Without written authorisation we may not pay any benefit. |
We will pay up to a maximum of 28 consecutive days in any one year of cover for medically necessary treatment as an inpatient or daycase in an NHS or private psychiatric unit for mental health conditions which, we agree are eligible in writing and in advance. All treatment must be under the direct control and supervision of a Consultant Psychiatrist. Without written authorisation we may not pay any benefit. Please note. Mental health conditions are often long term in nature and may become chronic conditions, for which on-going cover will not be available on your scheme. If after a full review of all the medical information available, the condition is considered to have become chronic the scheme will no longer pay benefits for the continuing or recurrent treatment of that condition (please refer to the What is not covered section for full details on chronic conditions). Where possible, the nursing team will also provide guidance on making other arrangements for continued treatment. Inpatient benefit will be paid once per disease occurrence. |
Oncology Treatment (now referred to as Cancer Treatment) |
We will pay in full for surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and support services administered to achieve cure or remission for a diagnosed malignancy until treatment is deemed, by us, to be palliative. |
We will pay in full for active inpatient, daycase or outpatient treatment for a diagnosed malignancy. This includes diagnostic tests, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Please note you must contact us before your treatment starts. For further information on the cover available to you for cancer treatment please see section Cancer Cover Explained. For more information please contact the nursing team on 0208 150 0937. |
Chronic condition |
The purpose of this scheme is to help you with the costs of the treatment for an acute illness or injury, not to control or treat a long term (chronic) condition. We define a chronic condition as a disease, illness or injury which has at least one of the following characteristics:
We will pay for eligible treatment arising out of a chronic condition, or for treatment of acute symptoms of a chronic condition that flare up. However, we only pay if the treatment is likely to lead quickly to a complete recovery or to you being fully restored to your previous state of health, without you having to receive prolonged treatment. For example, we pay for treatment following a heart attack arising out of chronic heart disease. This exception does not apply to treatment of a psychiatric condition. To establish whether we would pay benefits for an acute flare-up of symptoms related to your chronic condition, you must contact the Claims Helpline for pre-authorisation of treatment. However, we would not pay for frequent recurrences of an acute flare-up of a chronic condition nor do we pay for on-going treatment or investigations to maintain a chronic condition in a stable state. Please note: in some cases it might not be clear, at the time of treatment that the disease, illness or injury being treated is a chronic condition. We may not pay the ongoing costs of continuing, or similar treatment even where we have previously paid for this type of or similar treatment. If after a full review of all the medical information available, a condition is considered to have become a chronic condition, you will be given written notification that the scheme will no longer pay benefits for the continuing or recurrent treatment of the chronic condition. You will also be given time to make other arrangements for continued treatment, and the scheme will assist you and your GP to transfer management of your chronic condition to the NHS. |
We define a chronic condition as a disease, illness or injury which has at least one of the following characteristics:
Please note: this will apply to all medical conditions, whether or not a diagnosis has been made We will pay for eligible acute conditions related to a chronic condition (this does not apply to psychiatric conditions). For example, we pay for treatment following a heart attack arising out of chronic heart disease. However, many chronic conditions are of a relapsing and remitting nature, requiring management of recurrent episodes where symptoms deteriorate - e.g. multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, long-term depressive illness, psoriasis etc. The relapses are part of the normal illness course and therefore cannot be classed as acute complications of the disease and are not eligible for benefit. Please note: in some cases it might not be clear at the time of treatment that the disease, illness or injury being treated is a chronic condition. We may not pay the ongoing costs of continuing, or similar treatment even where we have previously paid for this type of or similar treatment. As we expect an acute condition to resolve completely within three months, we would begin to consider any condition lasting longer than this as chronic |
Other wording changes | Previous wording | New wording |
Requests for additional information |
We may ask you to provide information to help us assess your claim. For example, we may ask you for one or more of the following:
Please read this carefully before you commit yourself to any costs and follow the How to claim summary when claiming. If you are unsure about whether or not you are covered please contact us on 0208 150 0937, we will be happy to advise you. |
We may ask you to provide information to help us assess your claim. For example we may ask you for one or more of the following:
Second Opinions | Please note: we will only pay for an independent medical examination or second opinion from a specialist if we deem it to be medically necessary and we have authorised this in advance and in writing. |
Should you decide that you would like to receive a second opinion to ensure you are fully confident with your specialists recommendations please contact us on 0208 150 0937 to discuss pre-authorisation. Our team of nurse case managers will be able to advise and support you through this process. Second opinions will be arranged with a consultant who is an expert in their field and whom we have recognised for the purposes of providing such second opinions. Following your second opinion one of our nurse case managers will contact you to discuss the suggested treatment plan and eligibility for benefit. Without written authorisation for a second opinion benefit will not be payable for any resulting treatment. |
Exclusion | Previous wording | New wording |
Palliative Treatment |
Treatment for cancer once it becomes palliative in nature. |
Exclusion has been removed. |
Section 9: Glossary
The words and phrases below have the following meanings. They will appear in bold in this guide.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Active treatment
Acute condition
Annual renewal date
Biological therapies
Chronic condition
Complementary practitioner
- Acupuncture practitioners must be registered with the BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society), BacC (British Acupuncture Council), AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) or AAC (The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians)
- Osteopaths must be registered with the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council)
- Chiropractors must be registered with the GCC (General Chiropractic Council) <
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
-a member’s unmarried dependent children
- haemodialysis, (through the use of a kidney machine or dialyser)
- peritoneal dialysis (by introducing fluid into the abdomen to act as a filter). <
End of life care
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Incongruence
General Practitioner
High dependency unit
High risk activities
Home healthcare
Private hospital - an independent hospital which can provide acute medical, surgical or psychiatric care. It must be registered under The Registered Homes Act (1984) and approved by the Healthcare Commission or any future law. It may also include a private bed in an NHS hospital.
Intensive care unit
Medical condition
Medically necessary
In accordance with professional standards of medical practice in the United Kingdom
Clinically appropriate, in terms of type, frequency, extent, site and duration of treatment
Required for reasons other than the comfort or convenience of the patient or specialist.
Provided at an appropriate facility, in an appropriate setting and at an appropriate level of care for the treatment of the patient’s medical condition.
Provided only for an appropriate duration of time.
No more costly than an alternative treatment at least as likely to produce the same therapeutic or diagnostic results.
Mental health condition
Palliative care
Pre-existing condition
you have received medication, advice or treatment, or
you have experienced symptoms whether the condition was diagnosed or not.
Private ambulance
Psychological therapist
- a psychologist who is:
- Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a chartered Psychologist
- a therapist who is:
- An accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); o
- An Accredited Member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP); o
- An Accredited Member of Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy (COSCA); o
- An Accredited member of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP); or
- A practitioner who is registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Registered nurse
Related condition
- a medical practitioner with full current registration with the General Medical Council or
a dentist with full current registration with the General Dental Council
a specialist in the treatment you are referred for (this is applicable to all specialities including anaesthetics and psychiatry)
has a certificate of Higher Specialist Training in their specialty that is issued by the Higher Specialist Training Committee of the appropriate Royal College or Faculty
is or has been a National Health Service consultant or dentist
has been recognised for benefit purposes as a specialist by Healix.
Start date
Surgical appliance
The Scheme
- an occupational therapist
- an orthoptist
- a speech and language therapist
- a dietician or;
- a nurse who is on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and holds a valid NMC personal identification number. <